January 10, 2012

2012 Free Printable Calendar

When I’m not around here blogging, I have an office job as my full time gig.  At work, I constantly need to use a calendar and I like the kind that shows all 12 months on one page.  I often have to plan projects a few months in advance, so it’s helpful to see the entire year all at once.  I usually just print something basic, but since I’m always looking at this thing, I decided to make a calendar myself this year so it would be easy to read, but also kinda pretty.  Here’s the calendar I came up with that’s now hanging at my desk at work (and no, there is no way to hide those cables- I tried!)
And here’s a close-up of the calendar (sorry for the iPhone pics).  I kept the calendar simple, but used some cute colors to make it pretty.  I also wanted a way to highlight holidays without making a big notation so I simply changed the color of their dates.
Want a free printable copy of this calendar?  You’re in luck, you can download this printable calendar in either PDF or Word format.  I included Word format in case you wanted to make any edits to it or wanted to highlight birthdays or other events on it.   Nothing is required to print the calendar, just click on the link and be on your way, but if you wanted to help a girl out I’d love it if you followed me on Google Friend Connect/Blogger or Twitter in return.  Enjoy and Happy 2012!


Anonymous said...

thank your for the calander. and your time and work making it. I can really use that...so clean..

Jenny @ DIY Newlyweds said...

I'm happy you like it, enjoy!