April 09, 2012

Pineapple Flowers

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.  Since I’ve already shared my Easter decorations and Easter dessert ideas, I thought I’d update y’all on what I ended up making. 

From my Easter dessert inspirations, I decided to make cupcakes topped with pineapple flowers, as I had seen on Pinterest:

It looked really cool so I decided to give it a try.  The site did not have any additional instructions so I had to figure it out some remaining details.  I took a regular pineapple and cut off the top and sides.



Then I sliced the pineapple, sprinkled it with sugar, and placed it on a cookie sheet sprayed with non-stick cooking spray.  The pineapple needed to be sliced thicker than I originally imagined, because they shrink a lot while baking.


I baked the pineapple at 350 degrees for about 10-15 minutes.  Next, I put the pineapple slices in a muffin tin, to create the curved flower shape, and baking for about 15-20 minutes more (I forgot to take a picture of this step).  I had the pineapple in the oven while my cupcakes were baking so luckily I didn’t have to run my oven too much extra.

Once baked, I used the dried pineapple to top the cupcakes I had made.


Too be honest, I’m not crazy with how it looked, so I decided to make them a little more flower like but topping the pineapple with a cherry to act like the center of a flower.


Since I like to be transparent with you guys, I’ll say that I thought the pineapple flowers looked cute, but weren’t cute enough to justify the extra time and half a pineapple they took up.  I was a little disappointed I couldn’t get mine to look as flower-y as the original photo, but I wanted to share how mine turned out since I posted the inspiration photo last week. The actual cupcakes were delicious though, I used Bakerella’s recipe for mini-cheesecakes which is a big favorite of mine.

What do you think of the pineapple flowers? Worth the trouble of trying again?  How was your Easter?  What did you end up making?

1 comment:

zehra ahmad said...

I tried the project, too. I agree with you as far as how they look in person. Not really worth the time and effort.