November 29, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a delightful Thanksgiving full of yummy food, great family time, and successful shopping!  My Thanksgiving was all of the above, so it was nothing short of wonderful!  We had an early dinner with my hubby's family and then a late dinner with mine.  It was a wonderful time, but I couldn't eat another crumb of food after the day was over!  Although I didn't host Thanksgiving, I brought a few dishes to each meal including my famous Turkey shaped fruit salad made from a pineapple.  I posted a tutorial about it last year, but I changed it up a little this year and will update the tutorial (eventually).

Now that Thanksgiving is over and December is only a few short days away, I can start decorating for the holidays.  I plan on sharing some fun Christmas and holiday projects over the next month, but I'm always looking for more ideas.  If you have a holiday craft or DIY project you'd like to share, please send it over and I will feature it here next month!

And if you have an Etsy shop, or would like to advertise any other product/service/blog here, check out my holiday advertising specials!

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