I looked around and found the culprits hiding in my tomato plant. WARNING: Shield your eyes if you are grossed out by alien looking bugs.
It was a caterpillar!
A really weird, alien looking caterpillar! This guy was a far cry from the cute fuzzy caterpillars I used to play with as a kid. This one was huge and has a pattern that looks like little eyes down its body. I did some Googling and through this cool caterpillar identifying website, found out that this is a Carolina Sphinx Caterpillar. Also known as a tobacco hornworm (similar to the tomato hornworm).
Sure enough, these guys love to munch on tomato and pepper plants. Since they're so big, they can be sneaky and eat an entire plant pretty quickly before anyone notices. I found three of them hiding in my tomato plants. I had no idea caterpillars could get so big, and weird looking. Have you ever come across one of these?
I have seen these caterpillars on parsley and they do a lot of munching! I am not sure but I think they turn into Monarch butterflies.
I got these on my tomato plants last year. I've had better luck this year, even though I haven't done anything differently. Someone I work with said that I should put a birdfeeder near the plants because the birds will eat the worms, but I'm not sure if that's true or not. Good luck with the caterpillars!
I hate tomato horn worms. Luckily our garden has parasitic wasps which lay their eggs on the caterpillar and kills them. Here is a pic of them: http://www.dreamstime.com/tomato-hornworm-with-wasp-eggs-image881436 If you find them with these, I would leave them because that allows the wasp to complete their life cycle and return next year if needed. I often find their dropping before the caterpillars which look like little square barrels.
Eeek! That photo gives me the chills!
I just found two of these guys in my garden! They've eaten one entire pepper plant! According to wikipedia they are tobacco hornworms:
When they mature they turn into a brownish moth.
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