October 02, 2009

New Blog Design!

My house isn't the only thing I've been redesigning, check out he new look of this site!  Although I liked the homey look of my previous website design, I wanted a cleaner design that was easier to read.  Check out this before and after:

In addition to changing my design, I also have a new web address:  http://www.diynewlyweds.com/

If you are linking to me, please update your links or bookmarks with my new address.  You can also use this handy dandy code to link to me using the logos below.

<div id="DIY Home Decorating Ideas" style="width:231px; height:38px; margin:5px;"><a href="http://www.diynewlyweds.com/" style="display:block; background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiwdhvXRhTxuCm-NiOthUnxET6Xyt0ehkfwtQC0kSleC9-h9x5gxpMwF0lxF0hLxwUBllqkVV0wZML4hG_wpyqU5KinUrnN1B6dg6q-nOZ9mDZJV73v1dWYj31qTumUzrDNSdMCT_H7oq7K/) left top no-repeat; height:0px; width:231px; padding-top:38px; overflow:hidden;">DIY Home Decorating Ideas</a></div>

<div id="DIY Home Decorating Tips" style="width:189px; height:73px; margin:5px;"><a href="http://www.diynewlyweds.com/" style="display:block; background:url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgiyKwueuIcVHxgV2bg_IZcGIyl3K9VZIiPdSY86gkHwb1xDIvQY-bYwTUzZUxwgZckNguwbVlHOKVQdDqPrwz-OgD_qc3lsjs-ssozVDvTNH_D8nZ31sbvqXvc5uDWi2EGgavqygAcsZkK/) left top no-repeat; height:0px; width:189px; padding-top:73px; overflow:hidden;">DIY Home Decorating Tips</a></div>

So what do you think?  Do you like this new design or is there anything you would change?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.
