December 06, 2011

Pretty Penny Sign

I’m excited to share a guest project for DIY December today!  Reader and fellow blogger, Dacia, sent in her pretty penny snow sign to share here.  Dacia blogs over at Lemon Drop Life and is a newlywed who recently moved into a new house with her hubby.

For the holidays, she bought these white letters from Joann Fabric and put her money into sprucing them up…literally!


Dacia spray painted the letters bronze and added some sparkle by gluing pennies on them!


The pennies are so clever and I think they make the letters look very festive.


Don’t they look so glitzy and fabulous now?


Dacia shares more details about this project over on her blog.  While you’re there, check out all of the other awesome projects she’s worked on!  Thanks for sharing, Dacia!  And if you have a holiday project you’d like to share, I love to feature it as part of DIY December too- just email me!

1 comment:

Dacia @ Lemon Drop Life said...

Thanks so much for featuring my project Jenny!