I am partnering with Apartment Guide to share some tips on how to decorate your first place. I know how challenging decorating a new home is; we moved into our first home three years ago and it is still a work in progress! But whether you’re settled in, looking for a new place, or planning a move, Apartment Guide can help to point you in the right direction.
Apartment dwellers who are looking to move, can find helpful photos, floor plans, and tips on finding the perfect apartment community at Apartment Guide. But there is plenty of information for home owners too, anyone looking for moving or home decorating tips can visit Moving Today to explore decorating styles and get decorating inspiration or check out Apartment Guide’s Blog for fun ways to explore your new city. You can also check them out on Facebook or Twitter for even more tips on making the most of your space!
I’ll be back later to share tips for decorating your first place, but in the meanwhile lets get to the giveaway!
Here’s the scoop:
- Prize: $50 American Express Gift Card
- Enter By: Friday 12/16/2011 12pm EST.
- To Enter: Just leave a comment! (Remember to leave a method of contact. It can be blog/twitter/google profile/email address/or email me with your info if you don’t have those accounts and don’t want to post your email online).
- Bonus Entry 1: Follow Apartment Guide on Twitter @AptGuide and leave a separate comment saying you’ve done so.
- Bonus Entry 2: Follow me on Google via Blogger/Google Friend Connect or with Google Reader. Leave a separate comment saying you’ve done so. If you are already a follower, leave a comment saying so.
Good luck!
This giveaway is now closed.
Note: Apartment Guide is owned by Consumer Source, Inc. Apartment Guide partnered with bloggers such as me to participate in its “How to Decorate Your First Place” program. As part of that program, I received compensation. They did not tell me what to purchase or what to say about the products used for the “How to Decorate Your First Place” program. Apartment Guide and Consumer Source believe that consumers and bloggers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Consumer Source’s policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, FTC guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.
Thanks for the chance to win!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
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mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I follow your RSS feed via email.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
I already follow Apt guide..now I will follow you too. BTW LOVE your site.
I follow apt guide on twitter
I actually really love Apt. Guide (not trying to score extra points...just saying!), so kudos to them for the awesome giveaway!
I also follow you through Blogger!
Thank you Apartment Guide and Jenny!
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
Follow Apartment Guide on Twitter @AptGuide @tcarolinep
GFC follower
I have used apartment guide to look for apartments for when we finally sell our house and move.
luvsherfam @ gmail dot com
I follow aptguide on twitter @rsmstahley
luvsherfam @ gmail dot com
I really could use decorating tips! (erinbdisney at hotmail dot com)
I follow @AptGuide via Twitter! (@fictiononeforty) erinbdisney at hotmail dot com
I now follow via GFC! (erinbdisney at hotmail dot com)
I want to win!
I'm also a follower!
appreciate the contest
email sub
I'd love to win this! Thanks for the chance!
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
GFC follower. ID: Lynda Del
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
I follow Apartment Guide on twitter. ID: Lyndadawinda
lyndadawinda1074 at yahoo dot com
Happy holidays!
flyergal82 AT (yahoo) /dot/ $com%
love apt guide
gfc danaj
flyergal82 AT (yahoo) /dot/ $com%
Great Giveaway!
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
I follow AptGuide on twitter (@channynn).
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the chance to win!
email: alyssabubbleteax3@gmail(dot)com
i follow @aptguide on twitter: pandaxaly
email: alyssabubbleteax3@gmail(dot)com
i follow via GFC: alyssabubbletea
email: alyssabubbleteax3@gmail(dot)com
friend on google connect-Laura Royal
Awesome giveaway! This will come in handy during the holidays!
kfloveinme at gmail dot com
Already follow Apartment Guide on twitter @mskenyaf
kfloveinme at gmail dot com
I follow you via Google Reader
kfloveinme at gmail dot com
This is great!
hewella1 at gmail dot com
Great giveaway Jenny! It's the perfect time for a gift card, that's for sure!
I am already following you via GFC. Have a great weekend!
I'm following Apartment Guide on Twitter!
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