March 21, 2011

Spring Has Sprung!

Happy Spring!  Yesterday was the official first day of Spring and it sure felt like it with the warm weather we had around my neck of the woods (nevermind that today is a rainy dreary day).  Over the weekend I started cleaning up my garden and I saw it was celebrating spring too.  My hyacinth bulbs have popped up already!  I planted these babies last year and after a cold snowy winter and an investigative puppy, I wasn't sure if these would survive until spring.  But sure enough, these pretties are getting ready too bloom:



I've also been thinking about what kinds of flowers to plant this year.  I'd like to plant some more perennials, and had these in mind:

Hibiscus (I've had a hibiscus tree, but I'd like to plant one in bush form)
Delphinium (I planted these too late last year and they didn't come up; I'd like to try again this year)

I've also been considering some annual flowers since they tend to stay in bloom much longer:

Zinnia (I had great success with zinnias last year so they're on my list again)
Stock (These were one of my wedding flowers so I'd love to grow them)
Snapdragon (Like the delphinium, I planted these too late last year so I'm going to try again)

Do you have experience with any of these flowers?  I'm still a novice gardener so any tips would be appreciated!  What flowers will you be growing this year?


Marlana said...

I am ready for this winter to be over as well! The only thing I know is that "black eyed susans" attract a lot of bees. Good luck with your garden!

Jenny @ DIY Newlyweds said...

Thanks for the tip, Marlana! I'll be sure to plant them in the back of my yard if that's the case!